Thursday, August 30, 2007

My Birthday Rocks!

Ok, that's a bit of an exageration. It did rock, but my body is so tired that it stopped rockin' somewhere around 10 am. As I have mentioned before, my mother is freakishly strong. She also will not stop until a job, no matter how big, is completely done. While my mother and I are very much alike, we differ on one major thing: she is best first thing in the morning, I'm best late at night. Before I even rolled out of bed around 8 am, she was already outside working on the walkway. However, while I am in here updating my blog, she is already fast asleep in bed. I've had to poke her the last 1 1/2 hours to keep her up long enough to finish the show we were watching.

We got a lot of stuff done and I promise to post photos when I have the time and energy to do so. We finished mulching, (which very similar to munching--which we also did a lot of), we finished the pathway and worked on another project that we had not planned on. We won't have a chance to paint my spare bedroom or work on the mural for MayLing's room, but for the first time since I have moved into this house, I actually like the way the front of it looks. It looks like a real house and it is very inviting. AND, I don't think anyone is going to break their ankle on my walkway anytime soon!

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