Saturday, August 4, 2007

Day 3: Nashville, baby!

Mom and Dad e-mailed me to say that they would be arriving today around 11:30 am. It was nice to be able to sleep in and leisurely get moving. Mom and Dad did indeed arrive at 11:30 and brought Grandma H.'s sewing machine/desk with them. She died nearly 10 years ago and not much was left that my aunts didn't pick through. This desk with a sewing machine, her wedding ring, some unfinished quilts and a small table were all that survived. At some point I will take the desk/sewing machine into a sewing repair shop to make sure that it is in good working order, but until then it will make a nice desk for writing out my checks.

The four of us had Mexican for lunch and if it hadn't been so darn hot I would have had a margarita. By 1:30 Kris and I were back on schedule and en route to Nashville. I have to admit, it has been years since I actually walked around and shopped in Nashville. What a cool little place. I could have bought a lot more than I did and will have to make a return trip sometime soon. I got some pretty butterflies to hang in MayLing's nursery and I finally found 2 matching wooden boxes that I have been hunting for forever. I always wanted a wooden box (that locked) to hide my little treasures as a kid and now MayLing and I will have matching boxes. I plan on putting little notes in there, her referral photos, a lock of hair from her first haircut, etc. When she is older I will give it to her. The second box will be a keepsake box for me. OR, if I am able to adopt a second child I will use it as his keepsake box.
At a shop in Nashville...I just can't help myself...these hats are so cute!

We shopped until we were too hot to shop any longer. Just kidding...we shopped until the stores closed around 6-7 pm. After making dinner, we both passed out on the couch to watch "the boys" (you'll just have to ask).

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