Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday Morning

Yow-za! I've suspected for about a year that I have arthritis in the middle fingers of my right hand, and now there is little room for doubt. I woke up this morning with swollen middle knuckles and unable to bend without pain. Must have been all that sanding yesterday.

I woke up this morning with dreams of my daughter still in my mind. It has been months since I dreamed of her. I can only assume it has to do with my 6 month LID yesterday. I dreamed that I had the referral and was in China to pick up MayLing, but I couldn't figure out why I was allowed to get her when I had only waited 6 months. No one else with my LID was traveling and she wasn't a special needs or waiting child. She was only about 6-7 months old and very small. She would cuddle up against my neck and I called her my little cuddle monkey (where did that come from?). I suspect she is probably in utero or may not even be conceived, but I pray that she is safe and happy. I pray that her birth mother is supported by friends and family and that this isn't a scary or stressful time for her.

Ah, there is no better way to start the day than dreams of my daughter still lingering in my mind!

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