Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Evil Mayhem

I have finally reached my breaking point. I arrived at the office this morning ready to carry on yet another day of tedious tasks. This time I was asked to clean out our education person's office. Why am I cleaning out her office when she can be cleaning out her own office? I do not know. The really disgusting thing is that she is a slob...she has post-it notes everywhere, little pockets of paper all tucked into all sorts of books and cabinets. If that wasn't awful enough, I found some of her used dental floss and was forced to dispose of it. Ick! She left a crappy little clock behind that never kept accurate time, so I, with great pleasure, destroyed it. Yes, people, I have finally reached my breaking point and I am going nutty locked in that office all day either doing nothing, or sorting other people's files.

Today my team had to go through HR files and old filed payroll records since 2001. It is highly unethical for us to do that since it gave us access to fellow employee's personal information as well as their income. So, when Tracie went to take her daughter to some employment I taped her phone with packing tape so that she couldn't lift the phone from the desk mount.

Finally the CEO consented and told me I didn't have to come back tomorrow. He is supposed to call and leave a voice mail if he needs me next week. So, I decided to give him a little encouragement not to call me. I taped his office door closed packing tape. And just to be fair to our HR director for requiring my team to go through her files while she was doing taking care of personal things on work time, my team went through the taped everything in her office. Kellianne taped her chair so that she will stick to it when she sits on it, she strung tape across the office so that she will walk into it and get stuck and then she taped nearly inch of the door shut from the inside. Yes, my friends, I have had enough....and I laughed the entire time. Better to go out like this than to feel sad like I did yesterday. I've had 4 1/2 mostly great years with Select and this just seemed fitting. It's too bad I won't be there to see the looks on their faces!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Remind me to keep the packing tape away from you! Sounds like you had FUN even if you weren't too happy about being there! K