Monday, August 20, 2007

MayLing, my girl

I've been thinking a lot of my daughter lately and I'm sorry for those of you that have had to listen to me jabber on about her. Since I dreamed of her last week I simply can not get her out of my head. I'm feeling overly emotional and each little tender moment I see between other moms/dads and their daughters makes me get all misty. The nursery is essentially done so I like to go in there and sit and imagine what it will be like when my daughter is home. I made the mistake of turning on the TV tonight and Raising Helen was playing on AMC. Why the heck is AMC playing a chic flic? Anyway, I didn't get all sappy over Helen, but I was sad during the final scene when Helen was reading the letter her deceased sister wrote prior to her death. She died in an accident so she obviously didn't plan to die. I can't image how hard it would be to plan for a time when I couldn't be there for MayLing. I didn't want to think about it. I can barely stomach the thought of daycare, much less having her be raised by someone else.

I had a restful weekend. I enjoyed Saturday's weather IMMENSELY. I enjoyed it so much I actually had a bit of sunburn by the time I got home last night. I didn't think I was out that much, but perhaps the walking with Sherry did it? I went hiking a bit later that evening, but I don't think the sun really hit us with the tree coverage. And wouldn't you know it, my pink was faded back to white by the time I got up the next morning. I don't quite understand it. Most white people burn and stay burned for a while. I'm Casper colored, I am red for a few HOURS and then fade to Casper once again. It's just a little odd.

Since I have extra time, I've gotten back into the routine of going to the gym. I had no idea how out of shape I was. It's horrifying, really, it is. I'm quite weak, but I tend to bulk up pretty quick so hopefully a little diligence will go a long way. I went to the gym 4 times last week and I could really tell a difference in my breathing! On Saturday afternoon I thought it felt like my lungs were burning when I took a deep breath. That's because they were! I was finally getting air in the bases of my lungs again for the first time since February. Wow, what a great feeling. That, right there, is incentive for me to continue and to push myself harder. I really want to be in good shape before I go to China and it's best to set these habits now before I return to a working life.

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