Thursday, August 16, 2007

Other ruminations at 12:30 am

Why do I never remember to take out the trash until I'm nearly in bed? I swear, one of these nights I'm going to surprise a peeping tom as I come wheeling around the corner of the house with my humongo trash bin.

I had a realization Wednesday after talking with Terri. RQ has reported that families are being referred boys instead of girls and corrected special needs (cleft lip, extra digit removal, etc.) and I realized something...I'm ready for anything. I did not make my nursery girly. I painted it blue of all colors! The sheets have some pink in them, but only because I received them from the woman who sold her crib, mattress, changing table, etc. all together. So, if the CCAA would refer me a son, I would be thrilled to bits! I don't have many clothes so if I received a son it would not be a great loss. In fact, the family down the street promised me their boys' clothing if I should have a son (they have 3 sons, all about 11-13 months apart--yikes!). I've had a boy named picked out almost from the time I name MayLing. Both names have a personal meaning for me so I am ready!

As far as the corrected special needs, I'm fine with that too. I was a "special needs" baby myself with a correction. I have lived a good life and the surgery hasn't interfered with living my life. So, all I can say is, bring on my baby!

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