Thursday, August 16, 2007

2 weeks until my birthday/14 days until my birthday

I finished Forever Lily last night simply because I must finish everything I start. It was a stinker. The interplay between the two women was very interesting, but I didn't feel she spent much time digging into that. Most of the time was spent on her dream sequence/previous life experience and psycho babble. Don't get me wrong, I'm a HUGE advocate for mental health services. My mother is a therapist and I've seen the good that I can do, but this author makes them look like the crazy snake handlers at some faith churches. Took a good thing and went a little tooo far. I was really appalled at her lack of knowledge of Hong Kong and China. She didn't seem to know the people, the countries, the culture or anything. I thought that was strange for a woman who believed she was once Chinese. If we are able to reincarnate (which I don't believe in), wouldn't some residual knowledge of her culture be retained?
I was most irritated by a sentence in her eipilogue. Her family stopped in Hong Kong in 2004 en route to their second Chinese adoption and she says this of her daughter as she is walking down the street in HONG KONG: You are nearly six years old; where have you come by such dignity. Your very presence frees them of their guilt, Lily; perhaps you understand this. The people of HK don't have any guilt. The two countries, although ruled by China, operate as separate entities. The people in HK aren't even aware of the plight of girls in China. Trust me, when I told my family there that I was adopting from China they couldn't understand why. HK also doesn't have any limitations on the number of children they can have. Why would they have guilt over my Chinese girl? Anyway, the book really ticked me off. I'm afraid people will read it and actually believe it without actually getting a chance to experience China for themself.
I heard back from the woman that called me earlier today about the job I wanted. She said her boss actually called over to the HR office requesting my file. They told her I had never applied! So, Kathy gave me the job codes for the 2 jobs they thought I should apply for. I'm going to call tomorrow and insist they send my file to that department. If they can't, I want to know why. Hopefully it is just a misunderstanding, but somehow I doubt it. My previous boss was fired less than a year after I left so that should make her less than credible.

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