Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tagged...and I'm it

Miss Melissa tagged me to name eight things about myself and to tag 8 other people.  Here it goes:

1.  My little toe is on side ways.  No kidding.  I just discovered it Thanksgiving Day when I showered.  I'm not sure when it happened, but I think it must have been fairly recent.  Perhaps I broke it after stubbing it and didn't reset it?  The reason I hadn't noticed before is probably related to the fact that I rarely shower with my contacts in and I can't see anything clearly and the fact that it is cold and my feet are in socks!  I don't know how it happened or when it happened.  Now, everyday I try to turn it so that the nail bed faces up instead of outward.  It's definitely a new form of "ortho" pedics.

2.  I enjoy writing.  I started a novel a few years ago and after 155 pages put it away.  It's too consuming.  Someday maybe I'll finish it, but I'm not the same person that started it.

3.  I like lots of light.  I like all the lights blazing when I watch TV, eat dinner, etc.  However, I wear my sunglasses outside until the sun is really far down in the Western sky.  Go figure.

4.  I hate to be cold.  I hate to be hot.  I'm miserable and whiny when I'm either one.  I like to be about 72-74 degrees at all times.  Better yet, I'd like to live somewhere that is 72-74 degrees at all times.

5.  I dream about my baby girl.  'Nuff said.

6.  When I was a child, teenager and a young adult in my 20s people often commented about how mature I was.  I think I've regressed or maybe I just don't care anymore how people view me, but I'm not embarrassed to laugh at or tell fart jokes.  C'mon it's funny!  As a nurse it's a job hazard...you have to view these things as funny.  Don't you think God had a sense of humor when he designed us this way?  

7.  I started college when I was 16 and I became an RN at the age of 19.  Nursing was the hardest job I ever had.  I can't explain to you how hard it was for me at that age to hold the hand of a person dying.  Sometimes it was worse knowing that it was actually for the best--even if they were young.  I will never forget the time I had to wheel a young man to the morgue--we were the same age.  Or, the older man that begged me to kill him because he was so sick.  Nurses will always have my respect.  Have you thanked a nurse today???

8.  I don't feel guilty.  I made a conscious decision years ago that I was going to stop feeling guilty for every little thing.  I would agonize over the way someone spoke to me or what they said or didn't say.  What a gift to myself to be able to acknowledge my errors and move on.  I hope that I can teach my daughter the same.   

Ok, who's next...(insert evil laugh):








Abby's Mom


Mama Melissa said...

OMG, I love #4!!!! I'm *exactly* the same!!!! Can we move to CA without having to pay millions for a house? Can we move our families there, too? Or how about God just change the weather HERE. hehehe.

I had Mia's pic taken with Santa today. Hopefully, I'll get it scanned by the weekend (sis has my scanner).


Blondie said...

Hi Erica, I will endeavour to honour your "tag" in the next hour or so. Bear with me as I have a little brain-drain going on at the moment... :)