Friday, December 7, 2007

Rough Day

I had a rough day at work.  I don't like surprises.  I really don't.  Unless the surprise involves chocolate, jewelry, or other pretty things, I don't want to know about it.  A co-worker called me today and asked if I had completed the flowsheet tool.  What???!!?  A few days ago she asked if I would do some research on flowsheet/time & motion and offer suggestions.  Evidently it had evolved from researching into developing a tool.  Something was definitely missing in the translation.  Oh, and it is due in 2 hours. 

Without any advice or suggestions I began putting together a beautiful tool using Visio and some downloaded ER flowsheets in another employee's saved network drive.  I got it done with 1/2 an hour to spare and emailed it to her for critique.  I waited...and waited...and waited.  No response so I went to the meeting and showed it to her there in front of the ED staff we were presenting to.  She said it wasn't what she wanted and proceeded to pull out her own version.  It's moments like that that really make me want to reverse my no-curse policy (it's only for the kid--otherwise I think I would still be cursing like a drunk nurse).  Just a side note, I learned to curse effectively after becoming a nurse.  It's amazing the things you learn on the job...

After that little episode the day got better.  I actually got to spend the afternoon in the ER and I wasn't even sick!  It was really fun to see the flow of things--it is truly amazing that they do such a good job considering the amount of new information and stimulus that is always coming in. 

Even after coming home I was still feeling a bit put out about my morning until I was reminded of what truly matters:


As morbid as it sounds, it really put things in perspective for me and I had a really good laugh. 

At work I've been writing my quote of the day up on the dry erase board and one then I posted earlier this week was this: Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

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