Monday, December 17, 2007

Random musings from the plane of life...

I have spent the better part of the day in an airport or an air-plane so here are my random thoughts:
  • Why does it take only 10-15 minutes to board an entire plane and take off, but it takes the same plane load of people 30+ minutes to get off and another 30+ to find their luggage?
  • Each airplane window has two panes of glass. Since these are sealed how can they have settled dust in between them? This kept me awake and worrying today. Well, not really worrying, but too bored to thing about anything else.
  • Why must I always sit by someone that doesn't use deoderant and desperately needs it? Today it was a young woman...very pretty with nice clothes. Shouldn't she want to keep them fresh smelling?
  • How is it that I keep seeing the same gentleman at the Indy airport? Seriously, he's hard to miss. Very tall, large girth with big wooly black hair and beard. Very Eastern-European looking. Is this the guy that Tom Hanks was pretending to be in the Terminal?
  • Why is it that when I looked up Tom Hanks on (because I couldn't remember the movie he was in) multiple episodes of Gunsmoke, Charlie Rose, and the movie Heat came up?
  • Why do I feel more relaxed now that I am away from home than I have the past 2 weeks?
  • Why does my freakin' work-owned laptop not work when I am in this hotel????

Cheers from Sunny Dallas!


PS--Happy Birthday Michael!


Have you all seen this video

Yeah, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy about staying in hotels. Fortunately, I've always been a nut about rinsing cups before I use them...even ones I use at home. But just in case, I stole a plastic cup from the dining area.

PS--I have cable TV...yeah! I'm going to stay up all night watching crap TV. Another perk of traveling on someone else's dime...

1 comment:

Sherry Mc said...

I'm Jenny's mom from waiting4abby. We are having a shower before she leaves for China and thought it would be a nice surprise to have people who have followed her blog send a wish for Abby. You could send it to me at Thanks. Have a wonderful Christmas.