Sunday, December 9, 2007

Baby, baby (time)

Ahhh, I got some much needed baby time. Do you ever have those days where you wonder if you'll be good with kids, especially your own? Or do you fear they will start crying when they see you? No? Ok, I guess it is just me. I think every woman wants to think she is good with kids, but how do you know until you are face-to-face with your child? I guess it is always good to practice, which is what I did today. I have befriended a Korean woman that comes to church each week with her now one year-old son (just about the cutest little guy I have ever seen, but he really makes me work to get a smile!).

She invited me over for a lunch of Korean after church, and aside from the kimchi, I really can't remember the name of the other food we ate, but it was good! Her kimchi really redeemed itself because I have been anti-kimchi since having some overly fermented ick a few years ago. Not really a fan of anything fermented to begin with, but once it starts going to south, look out! Anyway, the food was delish and I plan on having the two of them over after the New Year.

Besides the food and getting to know Yoon Jung, her son was the best part of the day. I had him laughing and smiling and he would just stand and tug on my shirt or pants while I sat at the table until I gave him grapes. Yeah, he felt so comfortable around me he started spitting the grape skins into my hand. And it didn't even bother me. Who says I'm not ready for motherhood?

I told her of my plans to adopt (might as well, everyone else at church knows) and she responded with the typical Asian response--no, you should really reconsider. She had trouble with fertility and she thought of adoption, but in Korea (and in most Asian cultures that I've encountered) they are very anti-adoption. Blood is very important to them. She told me I should wait for a husband...that sounds familiar and that I should enjoy being single and being free. I think she also thought I was much younger than I am and once I explained why I was adopting she did concede that I was good with kids and her hard to please son seemed to like me.

It's always good to get to know new people and new cultures. Unfortunately, she will not live her long and quite possibly won't be living here when I go to China. She did say that when I go to China, I should stop by S. Korea and spend time with her. Hmmm....I wonder what MayLing would think?

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