Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Scary Texas

I finally had a chance to wander past the two block area I've been in the last 2 days and here are a couple of things that really freak me out:
  • I have a possessed TV. My first night I was here I was lying in bed just drifting off to sleep and suddenly the TV comes on. Not only does the TV come on, after a minute it starts flipping through the channels. I thought it would eventually stop, but it didn't. I finally had to get up and turn it off again. This morning as I was talking to my mom on the phone, the bedside radio alarm that I thought I had turned off, came on. Only it wasn't the radio playing, it was the TV again. Weird. The alarm worked fine yesterday morning.
  • The highways are seriously messed up (no offense to those of you that live here because I'm sure our IN roads are probably freaky to you too). Highways dart across each other, zigzagging across the flat expanse of land. If that doesn't groove you, the lack of road signs or the MINIATURE size them is making this near-sighted girl go batty. They say everything in Texas is big, and for the most part I agree, but these road signs...c'mon.
  • THE TOILETS. As an IBS sufferer, I am intimately familiar with just about every toilet in my vicinity. These make me jump a bit and I have started flinching before I even touch the handle. When you begin to push the handle, it drops violently sudden which throws off my center of balance, pushing me forward. If having your face thrust toward the toilet bowel isn't scary enough, the vortex of Hell opens up and VIOLENTLY sucks the bowl contents into the abyss. I thought it was just at the training center, but I have seen it all over the region. This is enough to scare anyone sh**less, no wonder the highways are like they are.
  • I read today that Britney Spear's sister, 16 year-old Jamie Lynn, is preggo. Wow. Evidently she met the father of the baby at church. I attended a church like that once...maybe they add something to the water?

Kris just emailed to tell me that the CCAA has updated their website and the parent's with LIDs before October 31, 2006 have gotten through the review room. Yeah! Congrats to all those parents...just 4 more months and I will be through too!

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