Friday, September 21, 2007

Yeah, I think it's about time to return to work

I had to sleep on the couch last night because I have been painting me bedroom furniture and the room is all torn up. I think it may be time for me to return to work because each time I woke up during the night, the cat was sitting on the back of the couch just staring at me. Gotta tell you, it was really starting to creep me out. I don't believe in the wives tale about cats stealing kids breath, but I am starting to wonder if she was trying to steal my soul. My cat and I have been roomies for 8 years now, but we have never spent this much time together. Poor thing will be glad to have the house back to herself again.

So I'm sanding down my bedroom furniture with its 50+ years of paint and I realize that I am likely sanding through lead paint. Granted, I did have my face mask on, but I got to wondering what all it would do to me at this point? With the hubbub with China exporting lead laced toys I started wondering about the toys I played with as a kid. Were they safe? Probably not. But if the lead-free toys that our kids are playing with today are so much better, why have the incidences of autism and ADD/ADHD skyrocketed in recent years? Could it be that we are simply adding so many extra things to our environment in the sake of convenience that these things are actually the cause of our children's problems? I don't know if it is the chemicals in my dry cleaning, the additives in my canned food, the fake fat in my healthy cuisine or hormones in my meat that are contributing to the problem. But to be honest, the lead in the toys (as well as the lead in the paint in my house) are really low on my list of worries at this point. Just my opinion.

1 comment:

~Kristen said...

I agree.. we turned out just fine! the toys are also pretty low on my list of worries!!

But, wearing the face mask is good when sanding!