Thursday, September 20, 2007

That's right, I'm tracking you peeps

Please, don't hate me for putting the map up (if you look closely it's in 2 places now!) Actually, I couldn't help myself...I love geography and it's so interesting so see where people are that are reading. I'm trying to figure out who some of my readers, you can feel free to remain anonymous but if you want to post a comment to help me out I'd love that!
Janesville--Kris (duh, she is the one that left her bright am I today?)
Grand Rapids--could that be you, Terri?
Indianapolis--I'm guessing that is Shasta
Kentucky--Maybe Melissa?

Not sure about my OH readers....hints?


~Kristen said...

You are right!!! Sorry I don't comment as often as I read.. But I'm always here!!

Shasta said...

Hi Erica! I'm always here as well! So glad to read about your new job. Yeah new job!
