Thursday, September 13, 2007

Happy Birthday, Chennie!

I just learned two days ago that Chennie found my blog by googling her name. She's been following my adoption journey, as well as my many other rants, while at work :) For those of you that don't know Chennie, she is part of my extended family in Hong Kong and I was there visiting her at the beginning of the year as she married Peter. I wish I knew how to link you to that post, but just go to the beginning of the year and you'll see her and her family. Chennie and her mom will be accompaning my mother and me when in China to meet MayLing. Happy Birthday, Chennie!!

You when that feeling when you hit the wall and you don't think you can take any more? Yeah, that happened this week. On Monday I spent the day cleaning. And because I had so much time on my hands I vaccuumed. Twice. Yep, I vaccuumed my carpets twice. I wiped down the walls, vaccuumed base boards and crown molding throughout the entire house. Those of you that know me know that I really don't spend as much time as I need to cleaning. By Tuesday night I was so stir crazy and stressed that I didn't know what to do. So I started calling people and this was my message: I'm so freakin' bored I can't take anymore. Fortunately Tony was home when I called and he so graciously offered to take me on a bike ride. My two fun goals for this summer were 1. Take a ride in a jeep and 2. Take a ride on a motorcycle. The first was accomplished earlier this summer when Kara took me for a cruise in her jeep. Just a few days after setting my fun goals, Tony called to tell me he was buying a motorcyle. Yes!

He picked me up and we went on a 2 hour drive throughout southern Monroe County including the lake.
It was gorgeous. It was so healing for my soul as we cruised into the valley of the lake on 446. The lake was on both sides of the highway and the sun was just beginning to set and was shooting orange, red, and pink into the sky. I think it was at that moment I knew everything was going to be ok.

Yesterday felt like my birthday all over again. It was my 7-month LID and I received a phone call bright and early from the company (from now on will be referred to as BH) that I want to work for. They wanted me to come in for yet another round of interviews. That was the answer I needed and I decided not to call about the wellness director job. They wanted an answer by Wednesday, but it was too horrible to even think about. I'm so glad I didn't have to call and actually ask for the job. That would have felt awful. I went in for my third, and hopefully final, round of interviews at BH today. It was great. I spent 4 horus there! Yep, they need to put me on payroll now. As I arrived home Tony called to tell me that they were calling for references. Yippeee!! Hopefully I will hear something from HR tomorrow.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Yeah!! Let me know when you hear from BH! K