Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Part II--Cab Ride from Hell

Sorry about that. I hate to leave you hanging. Well, Ricci actually had to direct the driver from the back seat of the cab. She was basically straddling the seat in front of her and saying "Sir, you need to stay straight in this lane". "Sir, don't swerve." "Sir, you are going to hit that car." And my personal favorite, "Sir, you are going to get us killed!" Since Ricci was handling things the best she could, I went into full blown turtle mode. Yep, I fastened my seat belt, grabbed the belt white-knuckled and just prayed it would end soon. I wouldn't look around, I wouldn't look to the side or to the back because I really didn't want to know how close he was to the other cars. Ricci later told me that they were swerving to miss us. People must be overly polite here because I don't remember hearing any blaring horns.

At one point I did lean over to Ricci and say "Ricci, hold my hand." She began praying to the heavens and saying her goodbyes to her kids and hubby before ending with "Grandma, I'm coming home." Yeah, it really was that scary. I have been in cabs all over the world, and nothing was scarier than this ride. Guess what this ride did for my IBS? You guessed it--I spent the next 24 hrs running to the bathroom any time I felt the slightest gut twinge.

When we finally arrived at the hotel, he ran over the curb in front of the hotel (it jumped out in front of him). When I finally tried to stand, I was weak kneed and very shaky. Luckily the restaurant we went to gave me a 14 inch tall margarita.

Ok, so on to more recent news....guess what I had for dinner last night? Alligator! I hate to say it, but it really tasted like chicken, but with a bit more wang to it. I also ate some monster jalapenos. Fortunately the GI trauma has passed and the food didn't bother me. Yes, I know this is too much information to share, but you are still reading it, aren't you? So who is the dirty bird?

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