Friday, March 28, 2008

This hotel sucks!

I am once again on the road. I rode down with a couple of friends/colleagues from work and we had a great time together. The conference is interesting, but at this point, over my head. Fortunately there are a lot of novices here and I hope to get a better understanding as we progress so that I can sit for the certification exam (several years down the road).

We are staying at a Holiday Inn with a water park. As a result, this room is moldy as hell. Unfortunately that just happens to be my worst allergy (well, it probably ties with feathers--also a medieval allergy). So, I get to this incredibly crappy room, at the end of a very long hallway, where a bunch of young people are staying (did I mention they have a huge indoor pool area???) and I immediately start reacting. My eyes start twitching, I start getting the drainage down the back of the throat, coughing, sneezing, and my personal favorite--hives. I currently have hives on my face. After 15 minutes of trying to tough it out I call to the front desk and explain the problem. Evidently they are completely booked because of this conference and the best they can offer is an ozone (?) machine. So, they supposedly sucked out the allergens in 15 minutes. What I think they really did was put a big fan in here for a few minutes and spray some room deoderizer. I only have enough allergy medication to get me through the weekend; I didn't break any extra doses.

This sucks. So, if my airway becomes impaired I will just wheel my crap to the front desk and sleep on the couch. That should encourage them to find me a new room. In the meantime, do you know color concealer would cover up the pink hives?

1 comment:

Angie said...

YUCK! Are there other hotels close? Could you make Holiday Inn (or your work) get you a room there? That is so awful - I am so sorry - I hate allergies!

Good luck - Ang