Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kristina Rocks!

I received an e-mail from Kristina yesterday following my dossier review. In her own words it is "El Perfecto" so they will be sending it on Friday along with Shasta's dossier and possibly Devin's (from the Silk Road Sisters group). I'm not sure how many people are submitting this week, but I can promise you that I will be marking February 2nd down on my calendar! Since it is taking at least 30 days for an LID (log in date), I may have to put off my LID/Chinese New Year/nursery painting party until March. If there is a bright side, most of my friends probably don't know when Chinese New Year is so we shouldn't have a problem. I'll update again on Friday once I get the final ok from Kristina that my dossier was sent. I'm ready to party down and in Kristina's own words,"you can start breaking it down early and celebrate all the way through the weekend". I think she is on to something.

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