Saturday, January 27, 2007

Goodbye, for now

The Travels of Sherry and Erica are not yet over! On Saturday we collected Rosa, Sherry's one year-old daughter and navigated our way towards Evansville with a quick stop at Sherry's parent's house to drop off Rosa. We were to meet Kristina, my adoption coordinator, to drop off my dossier. She arrived late, but with gusto and horn blaring. She let us in the office and gave us a tour of the company. It was amazing! I didn't realize that many of them considered their position to a calling, not just a job. It was such a blessing to be able to see where they worked and where families were created. We took a tour of not only the China space, but of Guatemala, Brazil, India, Vietnam and Russia. We met some of the other coordinators and got to see how they match families and babies for Guatemala. In every office were pictures of the newly formed families. Some of the families were those that that particular coordinator created, but some were from other countries or from other coordinators and they had also fallen in love with that particular family and/or child. It was amazing how connected they felt to the parents and how much it meant to them to have photos of the kiddos once they came home. I have considered this to be an experience beyond words, and I was very happy and relieved to see they revered it the same way.

I love Kristina. She is awesome and just as feisty and opinionated as me! I thought we would just pop in to drop off the dossier, but she also checked in my documents and reviewed what would come next.

This weekend has been so incredible. This felt like my labor. Finally, I could see the results of all the work and it somehow seemed more real to me. I was glad to leave my dossier behind.

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