Sunday, November 11, 2007

"Life Comes at You Fast"

Chances are that if you own a TV and have turned it on at any time in the last 2 years you have seen the Nationwide commercial using this catch phrase "Life Comes at You Fast". My personal favorite is K Fed going from Britney's boytoy to working at a fast food joint. Right now they are running an ad show a love stricken couple driving down the highway in a convertible. Her long red scarf wraps around his head and he can't see to drive. They end up driving off the road and landing in a field. It ends with the two of them exchanging loving looks despite the fact that the car is trashed.

Life does comes at us fast and sometimes you just want to grab the oh shit bar (the handle located near the passenger's head in any automobile) and slam your feet on the floorboard and say "slow down!". I think for those of us in the adoption world, especially Chinese adoptions, things seem to move slowly but do you ever take a step back from the situation and examine it with new eyes? Recently there have been some changes in my life and in the way I view MY world. I feel like I have just recently gotten a snap shot view of my future...and it isn't anything like I planned or imagined. It doesn't make it bad. It's just different. Given the choice I would have chosen the path of least resistance...the shortest route between two points...I would have gone the same generic way everyone else has. But what would that route have taught me? Nothing, probably. This route has definitely tested my faith, tested my beliefs and made me leave my comfort zone. Maybe it is as Robert Frost said "...two roads diverged in a road, and I--I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

1 comment:

C's Mom said...

Well said...I'm right there with you on that one.