Friday, November 16, 2007

Merry Christmas?

Do you ever have one of those days that you thing "man, I've got a lot of great things to blog?"  Sometimes they are just random comments that at the time seem ultra-cool, but for me I think they usually come across as nothing more than mental diarrhea. 

Today is not a day that I am feeling particularly clever.  I'm tired.  It's Friday.  It's been a long week. 

Just sos ya know, I'm Irish.  I know it is just an excuse, but I feel like I need an excuse for why I tend to blow hot and then feel fine.  If you ever watch me get really mad, it's ok, I'm fine shortly after that.  I just need to vent and process through it.

Case in point, the chic-a-dee at work I mentioned in my last post.  She had me pretty irritated, but now my irritation has turned to feeling sorry.  There are some serious communication issues in my department.  A lot of them have to do with her and her passive-aggressive personality, but a lot has to do with our team leader.  She also does not communicate what her expectations are or the process for getting things done.  All of us analysts are nurses who are suddenly working in an IS department.  Do you have any idea what kind of chaos this creates?  I am fortunate that I have at least played on a computer before.  Most of these chickies haven't.  I am very familiar with Microsoft products and how they work (in fact I am trialing one right now.  I am not actually posting from my blogger site.  I am using Windows Live Writer today and if I like it you might see some new things on my blog).  Anyway, the chic-a-dee didn't know how to design the education tools that needed done and she was hoping that I did.  If she has approached a bit nicer, I probably would have offered to figure it out.  Anyway, I'm feeling fine about it now.

My first Christmas present arrived in the mail yesterday.  I feel sorry for the postman or whoever delivered it because it is a huge box and probably weighs 45 pounds.  I'm not supposed to know what it is, but I'm pretty sure it is luggage.  I didn't share this with my mom, but one of the wheels is kinda poking out of the cardboard.  It also has the color and quantity listed in bold black print.

Is it my imagination or have my blogger buddies all taken a vacation?  It seems everyone has slowed down lately.  I don't know if it is the ever increasing wait, boring lives, or their lives are so interesting and busy that they are just unable to slow down long enough to post.  I really hope it is the latter. 

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