Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

Is it a bad thing to hide from your family when you are hosting a holiday event at your home?  Shhhh!  Don't tell anyone--I'm in the computer room. 

I'm going bonkers.  I love my family I truly do.  If it were immediate friends and family only and no pets allowed, I'd be a happy girl.  Instead I have spent the last 24 hours wheezing because my dad's beloved dog likes to sit on or near me at all times.  Today I was trying to enjoy a movie with my family, but the damn dog was sitting on my dad's lap and my dad was sitting next to me.  I started coughing so hard that I was having trouble catching my breath.  I finally left the room and hid in my computer room (the room I am staying in since g'ma took my room) for the next several hours.  It's not much better in there because my poor kitty is so freaked out by having all the strange people in the house and a dog that she likes to sit as close as she can to my face.  Yeah, that's good for my pet allergies.  I am going to have to do some serious pet hair/dander fumigation tomorrow.  I love animals, I really do, but they make me so darn sick.  I can not handle more than one animal in a residence at a time or my allergies starting going into overdrive.  I'm having trouble even wearing my contacts.

G'ma is making me nuts.  The poor lady means well, but we didn't grow up with her so when she talks about her friends and relatives I have no idea who the heck she is talking about.  And she talks incessantly.  I understand.  I truly do.  I feel bad for my co-workers if I have been shut in all weekend with no one to talk to.  I know I make them crazy with the talking and I know that it is a very real possibility that I might end up like this as well.  I guess I wouldn't mind it so much if we were actually having a conversation.  We aren't talking....she's yacking my ear off.  I'm sorry if this post sounds negative, but I am used to solitude.  At home.  At work.  There just isn't this much noise and talking going on in my life.

Let's see...let's talk about something lighter, shall we?  So far I have opened two Christmas presents and it's not even December.  This is two more than I have ever opened before so that's exciting.  Michael came over the other night with my present--a Christmas tree!  I have complained about the crappy tree I had for several years now.  The stupid tree had glued on branches that kept falling off.  It was one sneeze away from being the bald little tree on the Peanuts Christmas Special every December.  CBAndSnoopy It had gotten so bad that I have actually not put up a tree just so I can avoid it.  I think I mentioned last week that a package had arrived on my doorstep from my mom.  She insisted that I open it yesterday while the whole family was present.  It's a new set of luggage!  yeah!  I have needed some new stuff for some time.  I really wanted to have a set because I didn't have a bag for MayLing when I go to China.  It has 3 suitcases (they all fit inside each other), a carry-on bag, a laptop bag, and a toiletry bag.  I'm so psyched!  This will make my Dallas travels much more tolerable.  So, what's left for Christmas?

I love that my parents still take care of me even though I am an adult.  They paid for the groceries to put on Thanksgiving Dinner and today we went to Lowe's.  I didn't expect my dad to buy anything, but I needed to get some over-the-sink lights for my kitchen and a broom to sweep my patio and walk way off with.  Well, I also got a new dish sponge and a step stool (so I don't have to continue dragging my chair all over my kitchen and my house to reach things).  So again I ask, what's left for Christmas?  Just having them around is like having Christmas.  I don't need anything.  I just like having them in my home as we begin some new holiday traditions.

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