Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy 9 Month LID to me!

Contrary to what you are probably thinking, no, I did not forget my LIDversery. As you probably remember Mama had a high speed cable modem installed and for the first few hours I was in wedded bliss. Well, the honeymoon period ended about 3 hours later when I lost my signal. Do you know what happens when you lose your signal? You lose your phone line too. Yep, my 3 hours of passion left me feeling somewhat irritated and red faced. I messed around with it until 12:30 am hoping that I would "bump" a wire into a better position. No such luck. When I got up at 6 am it was working again. However, after coming home this evening I was only able to get on for a few minutes before losing my signal. Grrrhhh! I was forced to call the cable company not on my landline (because I had lost my signal), but on my cell phone. Cell phones cost money you know. I won't even tell you what a recent bill set me back.

Anyway, I'm back into the arms of my new lover. Have I mentioned that I love U2? Yeah, I own nearly every CD that they have put out...even their best of CDs that only have 1 or 2 new songs. Did you know that you can watch the music videos of nearly every new song on YouTube? Well, I didn't know until yesterday. Now I can watch young Bono whenever I want. Ahh, heaven. Any other cute boy suggestions?

Did I also mention that I will probably need a 12 step program soon? As soon as the guys installed it yesterday I dropped a couple bucks on downloading some new tunes. It's soooo simple now and only takes 3 seconds. iTunes is somewhat seductive because it doesn't ask for your credit card number...all you have to do is log in. Oh, sweet nectar of the digital gods, your fruit is too sweet!

1 comment:

Angie said...

gotta love high speed internet! Whole new world!

Congrats on 9 months! One pregnancy down!