Saturday, November 17, 2007

Taking a Sick Day

I'm not so much taking a sick day as I am accepting the one that has been handed to me.  It seems that I really can't burn it at both least not for long.  Silly me, I thought I could get by with only 5-6 hours of sleep a night.  Evidently not.

I knew something was a bit screwy as I slept last night because each time I rolled onto my left side my head started swimming and I felt really dizzy.  Do you know how bad it is when you feel dizzy without even opening your eyes?  Most likely it is an inner ear/allergy related thing or just from sheer exhaustion.  Right now I am leaning more towards exhaustion.  I got up for about an hour--long enough to call and cancel all the plans I had today, and there were many--before falling asleep on the couch.  I finally woke up around 3 pm, but only because I was in desperate need for a toilet.  Anyway, feeling a bit better, but I am certainly not going to drive any where today. 

So what do you do when you are too dizzy to walk, bored of sleeping and have no cable TV?  Well, first you cruise all your favorite blogs.  After that is accomplished you start working on projects that don't require much head movement, such as organizing your digital photo library.  Yeah, that was a shocker.  I looked at pics from about a year ago and thought "yeah, you were looking foxy then."  Now I look like a teletubby.  I am taking steps to correct that and I certainly hope to see the evidence of that in the next few weeks.  I bought a new pair of jeans with my sister in mid-September and after I brought them back from the tailor (yes, I am a shorty and I do not hem my jeans) they didn't seem to fit.  Hmmm, what's that all about?  I'm going to try them on real quick...hold on a sec....ok, not pretty with my big girl panties hangin over the top, but they are fitting better.  I'm not going to show you my most recent photos (duh, you can just scroll peeps), but I will share a couple of older photos with you when I was still looking like a hottie. 

This photo is actually 2 years and Fil in our "honeymoon photo".  Inside joke.   030_30

For the birth of my niece...look at those nice looking arms!100_1670

Graduation Day--May 2006100_2174_1 Halloween 2006100_0247_edited-1

Yeah, I definitely have my work cut out for me and I'm sure you'll read all about it right here.  I looked at home many miles I have logged so far this month, and I have walked/ellipticaled 29.5 miles as of yesterday.  Yippee! 

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