Monday, November 26, 2007

News of the Weird

I've read two interesting/scary articles in the last 10 minutes.  The first came to me courtesy of Kristen.  A source is claiming that Britney Spears in negotiations to adopt 7 year-old twin girls from China.  At first glance it's a joke, right?  She doesn't meet the minimum age requirement, she's not married, she has a history or drug and alcohol problems (a big fat no-no with China...well, a no-no with any country), and her bio kids have actually been removed from her custody and placed with the drug addicted father.  How bad of a parent are you when your kids are placed with a drug addict?  Part of me wants to believe that she had bad legal representation, but the girl's rich--she probably had the best attorney available to her.  Any RQ's rumor board is arguing that it could be a "private" adoption.  This better be a joke or I'm really going to be upset.

The second story is actually more disturbing than the first (yeah, I know, what could be more disturbing than another generation of Britney's??).  There are several conservative states that are trying to create legislature stating that "personhood" begins at conception and as such they are entitled to all the rights and freedoms of any US citizen.  What this means is that once Miss Egg and Mr Sperm meet, they are now Mr/Miss Person.  While pro-life supporters think this is great to support there are a couple of glaring complications.  1.  Birth control pills would be made illegal because they work by preventing the embryo from adhering to the lining of the uterus.  2. This would affect parents using IVF.  Many times multiple eggs are harvested and many embryos are created.  Generally they don't plant more a couple at a time.  The rest never make it to the nest.  Either IVF would be no longer be allowed or they would only have able to create a few embryos at a time for implantation.  Think of the number of women who are on birth control as a means of keeping a regular cycle, decrease the amount of bleeding, treatment for endometriosis and/or polycystic ovary disorder.  What other treatment means are available to them? 

Chances are neither one of those things will actually happen, but it is a bit scary isn't it?

1 comment:

Tasha Kent said...

Britney is whacked out. I don't know how she can go to the head of the line and bring home twins.

The debate of when life begins is also screwed up. If that's the case, then the fried egg I had this morning for breakfast had rights.