Monday, November 19, 2007

Is the Batchelor Gay?

Ok, I realize that question might be slightly inflammatory, and I admit to never having watched an episode prior to the last 20 minutes of tonight's show, but I have to wonder, did he really feel nothing for either woman or was he simply too afraid to commit?  There is no shame in it, the shame is when you don't recognize that about yourself and start dragging innocent people into the muck with you.  I have a good friend (hope he's not reading this post) who is afraid of commitment and recognizes it in himself.  As long as the women he dates realize that this is as far as it goes, no one should get hurt, but when you go on national TV exposing your desire for marriage with everyone and their dog, that's not fair.  I'm not planning on watching tomorrow's episode.  There are only so many broken hearts I'm willing to expose myself to and I doubt he will say anything that will explain his actions. 

1 comment:

Kristen said...

What happened on The Bachelor? Apparently I'm out of the loop!