Friday, July 20, 2007

Rumors, Truths, much more (not really)

Rumors: The Rumor Queen is already reporting that the next bunch of referrals from China should finish up the month of November (2005) and part of December. That would be an incredible feat considering they haven't cleared more than a week's worth of referrals for as long as I have been waiting (5 months). RQ is also reporting that the orphanage "donation" is increasing from $3,000 to as much as $5,000 in some areas. They haven't seen an increase since the program began 10 years ago and they are hoping the increase in funds motivates the orphanages to make more babies paper ready. If that's the case that is good news, but it also mean I need to save an additional $2,000 that I did not expect. Hopefully we will have a final ruling on that soon.

Truths: I am returning to the parental unit's home stead tomorrow for what I hope is the last time. They close on the house at the end of the month so only have this weekend and next to move into the duplex they are renting for the next two years. If we can get everything done tomorrow, I won't have to return next weekend. Wheee! It'll be nice for them to get settled in the new place. I think if it happens quickly they won't have to dwell on how big a change it is for them.

Much More (not really): Not really a whole lot to report. The weather has finally improved and the humidity broke for at least a day or two. Mom came over for a whirlwind visit on Wednesday evening and left when I left for work at 8 am. I love these little visits; they really break up the week. I now have the little table and two chairs to put in my empty dining room area. I also have a wheelbarrow....yeah! I am in the mood to begin scrapbooking for MayLing again. I realized I actually have quite a few pictures that I could include now about the wait. I'm thinking of doing a digital scrapbook and combining that with a regular paper version (they are both paper, but digital is generated on the computer so I wouldn't have to cut). I feel like I probably spend more time doing computer stuff and I wouldn't have to buy special tools for scrapbooking.

Cheers! I'm sure I'll have more stuff and more pictures to post tomorrow after my visit.

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