Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Job Hunt Begins

Yesterday I was in shock, but today I am angry. This morning I made the comment to my CEO that since I was being robbed of my maternity leave that I was going to make up for it in the next 2 months and get a lot of baby things done. After tomorrow I can't think of anything else that I can do. I cancelled all my appointments today and called and wrote letters to all my referral sources. That was really hard. They were really upset and they were worried for all of us. It's a small town and we suddenly will have a lot of medical personnel flooding the market. Initially the CEO said I was finished with work after this week, but then made some comment about staying on and helping with the close. Considering I'm not receiving a severence package (we had been promised this numerous times in the event we ever did close) I don't feel too charitable. I'm not going to sit "on-call" for the next 2 months and help tear down the hospital that I helped put together. Terri had the best advice: if it's not in your job description, you can't be made responsible for it.

On the positive side, I've received several job leads. It was amazing how quick that happened. Mike at our Beech Grove site offered me the same job that I had there (minus all the responsibility I was carrying here). I had job offers at 3 home care companies (been there, done that, and God willing, never will again). I had 3 leads for jobs that haven't yet been posted at Bloomington Hospital and I have an interview for one next week. The one lead came from Kathy, an FCC mommy, who had read my post yesterday. I'm most excited about that one and I really hope the lady calls me back to set up an interview. Say a prayer not just for me, but for all of us affected by the closing. We had ~120 employees and about 30-50 of them were full-time.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

So happy to hear about the job possibilities! My fingers are crossed for you and I'm sending lots of positive thoughts! Kristen