Saturday, July 28, 2007

Good Day

There is nothing like having a Saturday without an agenda....ahhhh. I slept late and even the cat didn't disrupt my slumber. It has been a long time since I have had a Saturday free. I decided to sort through the large tubs of stuff my mom sent with me a few weeks ago. I found some great treasures that I haven't seen in 15 years or so. I found the hand-made "Cabbage-Patch Doll" my mom had made. She had painted blue eyes on it to match my own and fitted it with brown hair. It even wore the same outfit that I had worn as a baby. What a great thing to find. I also found notes and cards my Grandma Henderson had sent me. She developed Alzheimer's when I was quite young and was pretty far gone by the time I was a teenager. When she died I received the Bicentennial Crazy Quilt she had started for me. It has bits of all of our clothing and each piece tells a story. I have wanted something with her writing to transfer onto the backside of the quilt and now I have those things. I think I am going to do an iron transfer of one of the cards onto a piece of fabric and put that into my daughter's 100 Good Wishes Quilt. That is one more thing I can work on while on "leave".

I also made the mistake of opening the newest Harry Potter book. After that my treasure hunt ended and I can't get my other projects started. It's such an exciting book...I'm already 100 pages into it!

Thursday night before I went to bed I noticed that the CCAA updated their website. They are finished reviewing dossiers submitted through June 2006. This is incredible! It has only been 3 weeks since they finished the month of May, 2 weeks since they finished April. It took 3 months to clear the month of March, yikes! It will take them forever to match babies and families for that month, but hopefully it won't take another 3-4 months (like October 2005). Little things like this give me hope that I won't be waiting forever.

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