Thursday, February 7, 2008

Weather Woes

It has been a sucky week for weather!  My sympathy goes out to Angie whose home state was horribly struck by tornadoes on Tuesday, and Kris who is currently stuck in the house after 20 inches of white stuff has fallen (and not the stuff you snort, you sickies) and snow drifts have slowed things down considerably.  It's pretty bad when even the postman can't make it!

On Tuesday I was chatting with a friend before bed when I heard things hitting my roof.  Unfortunately, it wasn't because I had tree branches hanging over the house (my trees are cut back).  Things were literally dropping on my house!  it got so scary that I finally told my friend that it was time to hide under the covers and pretend it was not happening--again.  It shut down my electricity some time during the night and I didn't get much sleep as I was worried that I wouldn't wake up in time to go to work.  When light finally came, I did have have branches from other trees on my roof.  Today I learned the reason: there was a tornado touch down 2 miles from my house.  Explains why things were getting dropped on my house.  My poor yard is trashed.  I also learned that a town about 30 miles west of here was horribly hit--a tornado 50 yards wide went through the town knocking down houses, trees, and everything in between.  Evidently there were more things in trees than on the ground where they should have been.  There were injuries, but no deaths have been reported so far.  I would just like to know why I didn't hear tornado sirens?  I'm not that sound of  a sleeper!   Evidently living outside city limits has some drawbacks. 

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