Thursday, February 28, 2008

Long day

I'm sorry I haven't posted, it has been a rather traumatic week.  I can't go into the detail of it now because I am so tired and scheduled to return to work in little over 7 hours from now.  Nothing bad happened to me thankfully, but my co-worker, a woman I have known for years suddenly lost her husband.  He is the same age as my parents.  We worked side-by-side through our go live on Tuesday.  She left for home finally around 8:30 pm.  When she got home he was having some chest pain so he took a nitro and laid down.  She went in a few minutes later to check on him and he was having agonal respirations (medical talk for the "death rattle").  She started CPR, but it wasn't enough.  They brought him into the ED--the very department we had just spent the last 12+ hours of our day in.  She had just gotten home and a minute or two later he was gone.  I can't imagine anything worse.  What do you do when your whole world is flipped upside down and everything you have known is gone? 

Please keep her in your prayers.  I'm working another 12+ hour day tomorrow and will attend the funeral on Saturday.  Please hug and kiss those you love tonight and let them know what they mean to you.

1 comment:

C's Mom said...

I'm so sorry to hear that sad, sad news. She will be in my thoughts and prayers.