Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Code Brown...aka Clean Up in aisle 5

In the hospital you will often hear different "codes" announced overhead.  It's a way of communicating information to those that really need it without creating a panic.  Of course, so many people watch shows like ER or Gray's Anatomy so they know that a code blue is announced when a person's heart stops or they stop breathing.  It's one of those drop everything and run codes.  We have other codes that we use that are not "official" and never get announced overhead.  One such code is a code brown.  If you haven't figured it out already, it means someone has had a bowel blow out.  Why have I told you all this?  Well, first, you need to thank me that I at least waited until well after dinner before posting. 

This whole IBS thing has me thinking about code browns and my nearest emergency exit ie. bathroom.  I've discovered that exercising and IBS don't mix.  I definitely am not doing the stairs after lunch and I am foregoing the treadmill for a while.  The track is still relatively safe and gives me some anonymonity in the event of...uh...a pre-burn event.  I think it is obvious that I really need to re-evaluate my diet.  As much as I hate it, I may have to decrease my vegetable intake as that seems to set me off.  A couple of weeks ago I actually went on a banana and rice diet just for some relief.  It worked, but that is no way to live.  I don't feel overly stressed right now, but I think that is certainly what started me off. 

There is a silver lining to my brown cloud, because our project is going live next week, I'm going to be working like a dog.  I will be working 12+ hours a day....but that means I get an extra day off!  Kris is coming down in two days (yah!) and I will have Monday off as well.  I haven't had 4 days off since I started this job so I'm quite psyched! 


kitchu said...

Okay, this is just getting WEIRD girl! I suffer IBS too- and the latest research I've read reports that it's actually more of a HORMONE problem than a stress one (though for me stress still brings it on- just had an endometrial bx and man the waiting was tough).

Are you like my lost twin or something??
mad race for... ??? nameless daugther!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.