Monday, February 4, 2008

Healthier Habits

They say it takes 4 weeks to develop a habit, good or bad.  I hope that isn't really true because I'm really digging my new routine.  It's no secret I am a night owl.  I always have been.  I always will be.  I blame it on my mom for working night shift when she was pregnant with me.  It is truly painful for me to be up and alert before the sun is high in the sky. 

For almost a week now I have successfully gone to bed between 10-11 PM, but most nights I am tucked in by 10:15.  For those that don't know, I usually don't go to bed until after midnight and I get up at 6 am or earlier.  I am definitely one of those girls that needs 7 1/2-9 hours of sleep.  Even this weekend I was in bed by 11 PM all 3 nights.  Whoo hoo. 

My other good habit is drinking more fluids.  I am drinking 6-8 glasses of flavored water (baby steps, people) and I have actually been caffeine free for nearly a week.  This was not intentional, but I ran out of soda and since I wasn't terribly sleepy in the morning at work, I just stuck with it.  I really don't like relying on things like that--it truly is like a drug. 

As a result of going to bed earlier, I'm not watching my usually 3-4 hours of TV a week.  Last week I taped LOST and watched it when my mom visited Friday.  I have developed a new evening ritual that involves reading my Bible and journaling...something I haven't done much of in a very long time.  I want to record this time in my life--good or bad.  Someday I will be able to look back at it and see it through different eyes. 

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