Sunday, February 3, 2008

Snow storm? What snow storm?

Yeah, so the snow storm of 2008 was waaaayyyy overblown.  It was funny because they had news teams down from the state capitol for the 10 and 11 PM news because evidently it was supposed to hit us first and worst.  You could just see the reporters were begging for one itsy bitsy snowflake the whole time the weather man was saying we were getting "dusted with snow at this time".  Snow, what snow? I didn't see any snow.  I went to bed and didn't see any snow, I woke up during the night to use the bathroom (ok, I actually woke up to check to see if it was snowing) and there was still no snow.  When I finally did get up in the morning, I could tell we'd had freezing rain during the night and I nearly broke a hip as I walked my gravel driveway to get my newspaper.  Yeah, the gravel was slick. 

Since I don't live in city limits, I was not sure if we would see salt/sand trucks or plows today and since I live on a hill I opted to wait before going to work.  Glad I did.  I got an email from a colleague stating that cars were sliding into each other while parked.  Yeah, unattended vehicles were sliding across our hilly parking lot into one another.  Lovely.  It didn't help that my IBS has been in high gear this week and was especially bad on Friday.  Not sure it was smart to navigate the slow, slick roads when I didn't know how soon I would get to a bathroom.  It worked out alright.  I had taken my laptop home from work and managed to work on my project and get it submitted right as it was due.  Whew.  Maybe I need to rename this blog to the IBS Chronicles? 

1 comment:

Kristen said...

All the snow and icky weather came up here. Go figure.

Tag, you're it. Check out my blog to see what you're supposed to do this time!
