Sunday, February 17, 2008

Pimped out...

...the blog, that is.  Evidently those classes last week were good for more than just building tables.  I learned a little about code and with a little hint from Kristen (check out her pimped out new blog!) I was able to take it to the next level.  I've pimped two blogs today and I'm ready to tackle more!  Actually, I downloaded someone else's template last night before I went to bed so if you saw it this morning and are now reading, you are now seeing two different templates.  Did I mention how psyched I am that I did this one all by myself?  I don't have any playful doo-dads to make the header sparkle, but hey, payday is next week. 

This isn't the only change I'm contemplating...I'm going to color my hair also this weekend.  I don't know if it was from being all cooped up last week or I'm just ready for spring, but there's nothing like the feeling of satisfaction you get from changing your look. 

Another random thought (thanks to staying up for the first time in weeks and a big gulp of Diet Dr. Pepper--yes, I'll be getting back on the wagon tomorrow) have you ever noticed how much Hal Holbrook looks like the theatre-lovin' muppets?  Let me know what you think...

Hal Holbrook arrives at the 13th ANNUAL CRITICS' CHOICE AWARDS amuppets_logo

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