Monday, February 4, 2008

Poor kitty

My poor kitty.  We have lived in peaceful coexistence for 8 1/2 years now, but we didn't really become buddies until I lost my job last summer and we spent lots of quality time together. 

I find myself talking to her more and more often, and last Friday in the middle of my IBS crisis I actually uttered the words "baby, you gotta move out of the way.  Mama doesn't want to poop on you."  In that moment I realized two things:

  1. I hope I never actually utter those words to my child.
  2. I'm ready for a kid.

This evening her stomach was bothering her because she ate something she shouldn't have.  As she was hunching her back from all the heaving, I started petting her back or just putting my hand on her back as she puked.  And this is coming from the woman who for years would gag and puke any time she saw one of her patient's puke.  Not only that, I was able to clean it without gagging.  Fortunately it wasn't too gross and there certainly wasn't any food bits in it.  That always makes me gag a little harder. 


Kristen said...

Our pets truly are our babies! What we don't do for them!!


Angie said...

Funny how pets prepare us for our dog is epileptic and I remember when he was having seizures, my heart would break and I would wonder how I could handle an illness of my child. Then there was cleaning up the poop, pee, and puke. I am more ready now! Max also gets me up several times a night to go outside...wish I could break him of this!

C's Mom said...

I find these perfectly typical kitty mama behaviors. My furbags know me all too well. I look forward to seeing my kiddo give them a run for their money all the same ;0)