Friday, January 4, 2008

Crap in the News

First, 010308CCAAupdatea big fat CONGRATS to all those that became parents this week!  Yep, the CCAA updated their website on the evening of January 2nd (I love that they are 12-13 hrs ahead--we learn about the updates right before going to bed!) and they are matched through December 19, 2005.  They have officially become over 2 years behind.  People keep asking when I will travel to China--only God knows.  While I love to talk about MayLing and my anticipation of bringing her home--I DO NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT THE WAIT!!!  Too many people ask and there aren't enough answers.  Really, I'm not angry or upset.  I'm just tired of repeating myself.  I've made peace with the fact that it is a long time, but my daughter is worth it.  I did check my math last night and there are 420 days between my log in and the current bunch of referrals.  They have been averaging 5-6 days worth of referrals each month which means I should have a referral in 5.8 years from log in.  The chances of this happening are really unlikely.  Even China has said they will be speeding up in the New Year, but I'm guessing, based on the recent referrals, that they are referring to their New Year and not ours.  Supposedly they are planning on referring 15 days a month which would cut my wait to 2 years and 4 months.  That would be pretty sweet!  

You all know how much I love my local newspaper and some of the wacky stories they put in there.  I'm not kidding, I really do enjoy my newspaper--I just think some of the their local stories could have used a little more editing.  Today's stunning headline:

IU Researchers: Serial Killers even                          deadlier than thought

Ya think?  After reading the article it makes sense, but that headline is just dumb.  Researchers discovered that serial killers don't want to get caught (which I think is opposite of what every crime show wants us to believe) and often pick targets that are less likely to be missed: transients, prostitutes, etc.  Since these people aren't trackable and few people ever report them missing, many more people are probably killed than what the killers admit to.  This is completely a hypothetical situation because I don't date criminals, but let's just say I'm dating Jimbo and he is supposed to report to the courts on Monday for beating someone up over a last 24 pack of Miller Lite.  If he gets killed on Saturday night and I want to report him missing on Tuesday.  I can't--he's considered a fugitive.  So, all those deviants out there reading this that are planning to rob the liquor store--don't get killed before you see the judge! 

I really have no idea why I find these articles this interesting. 

Hope you all have a pleasant weekend and stay warm.  I've been so freakin' cold the past few days.  I have dry skin on a humid day so you can imagine what the temps (and the indoor heating) are doing for my skin!  If anyone has any suggestions for chapped skin, please let me know.  My legs are chapped and red, my lips are chapped and red and yesterday even my eyeballs were chapped and red. 

Here's a picture of my fur baby who's also feeling the cold:

100_1247Poor thing...I think she is glaring at me.  She has an uncanny way of finding the warmest spot in every room.  


Angie said...

Kitty picked the best spot! That's where I would sit!
I am with you on the everything chapped. Last winter I used expensive Aveeno extra moisture soap and helped some. Nothing but summer really works! :) Do you use a humidifier?
Take care friend! happy weekend!

Jen said...

Oh the poor kitties. We try to leave blankets out for ours to curl up in, but really he just wants to lay on Jim's belly!

Totally get not wanting to talk about the "wait." Talking about the child is totally different and not every one has the capacity to realize that.

C's Mom said...

My cats have turned my bed into their own personal tent. Goobers. At least someone is warm though.

Yeah, I imagine those serial killers can be a deadly issue. DOY!!!