Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bring it on...

This has been a rather "bring it on" kind of week.  Today, I read the forecast and throwing all caution to the wind said, "bring it on".  Of course, now I'm just hoping that none of my other trees come down.  Evidently we are expecting 5-7 inches of snow and ice.  Lovely.  Personally, I'm hoping for a snow day and a good reason not to go to work.  Unfortunately, one of my colleagues that works the ED has offered to pick me up.  Evidently he has 4-wheel drive and didn't feel I should miss any fun.

My plan to keep busy has certainly been working and is partly to blame for my long absence.  I actually woke up the other day and for the first time in over a year, my mind didn't immediately go to adoption or kids.  In fact, it was early afternoon before either thing crossed my scattered brain.  In a way it is sad because it feels like I am letting go, but I realize that right now I do need to let go.  I was holding so tightly to something that for now won't be realized.  Someday, yes.  But not now.  Waiting is a hard lesson to learn, but I think I am learning it.

I'm taking better care of myself.  Eating more fruits and vegetables, less crap.  Today I went through an entire day without any caffeine.  Under normal circumstances that only happens on the weekends.  I'm also going to bed earlier.  Two hours earlier, to be exact. Some nights I lay there for a good 10 minutes before falling asleep, but so far I have been out just about as soon as I put my head to the pillow.   The only problem with losing two hours of day is that I am now not exercising.  I've got to figure this out soon. 

This is the first evening I've had at home since, oh, Friday of last week.  I'm trying a lot of different things and getting to know new people.  It has really been good for me.

The other day I had dinner with an Indian couple that I am friends with.  I met her when I worked for Select and we have remained in contact since the closing.  It helps that she and her husband attend the same church as me.  Anyway, they asked Sunday if I would come over for dinner this week.  I love all kinds of food, but I especially love Asian foods.  Unfortunately the good ol' IBS kicked in the day of the dinner.  I was miserable at work, but I didn't want to cancel our plans because I so looked forward to spending time with them.  They had asked on Sunday if they needed to tone down the spice and I said "bring it on".  Yeah, I'm feisty alright.  Fast forward to Tuesday night.  The three of us enjoyed a wonderful meal.  Her food was spicy, but well within my spice tolerance.  It could have been spicier and I wouldn't have flinched.  Well, my tongue wouldn't flinch.  My guts were another issue.  We ended up talking for at least another hour after dinner, and by then the IBS had kicked into high gear.  My gut was sending out distress signals left and right and all the rumbling was beginning to resemble flatulence.  I swear I wasn't farting, but something inside certainly was.  At one point, the squeaking and squealing lasted ten seconds.  My poor friend...she asked, "Erica, do you need to use the bathroom?" 

I haven't been asked that since I was in grade school!  I guess I should be embarrassed, but after living with it for so long I guess I'm just used to it.  I decided it would be best if I departed quickly, but even that was slowed down.  When I had entered their house it was 53*, when I left it 9* and my car was coated in ice.  For the first time in my life, I saw lightening through the snow.  Yeah, life is crazy so bring it on.

cross your fingers Keep your fingers crossed and pray for a snow day!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Had my snow day yesterday. It was wonderful! But we'll have to make it up in June at the end of the school year - when the weather is nice. Go figure.

Happy Day!