Monday, June 18, 2007

MayLing's Closet

MayLing's new clothes.
Clothes that friends have bought for MayLing.

This is what I had bought for MayLing prior to last week.

I think most friends are surprised to learn that there is very little in MayLing's closet. By little, I meant that I had only bought 2 outfits for her since beginning this process last year. Terri sent me one outfit, Jennifer (the only other single mom in my FCC group) sent me a sweater, Kristen sent me a really cute sweater and has now given me an adorable dress. Prior to this I had bought MayLing a little silk pink traditional Chinese outfit while I was in Hong Kong and a little green pant outfit with a pink ladybug on it (I couldn't resist this one so I bought one for MayLing and one for Kristen's daughter). So, here are pictures of MayLing's closet.


Mama Seuss said...

MayLing's wardrobe is really coming along. I love the traditional pink jacket! Very very cute. All too soon your closet will be packed with all sorts of little things for her.


Kristen said...

Your closet is looking a little sparse (well, compared to mine that is). Looking good, though! We'll fill it up even more in October (and I'm sure before then!). Love the traditional Chinese jacket - it's beautiful! ~Kristen