Sunday, June 24, 2007

Fast Forward, Hit Pause

There are times when life flies by so quickly and I am oblivious to it. Lately I have become less dense and I feel like I am trying to hold on to each moment and appreciate them. Each Monday for the last 3 my alarm clock has woken me to this thought: crap, it's another Monday. Not that I hate Mondays, but the fact that another week has passed. Where did it go? What do I have to show for it? I look at each little thing as a marker of time, upcoming vacations, holidays, the growth cycle of my new plants and trees. Even the little outfit that I bought last week for MayLing. It is supposed to fit a 2 year-old and I know that time will get here much too quickly. I know people complain about the long wait for our children, and it is a long wait, but not that long when I think of the time that I will someday be able to spend with her. That time will fly by even more quickly. I bought a Japanese Maple a couple of months ago and the gentleman selling it told me it would take 20 years to reach it's full height of 8-12 feet. The first thing that came to my head? MayLing will be leaving for college just about the time the tree reaches maturity. My prayer is that I can appreciate all these moments, especially the moments of solitude for they won't always be here.

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