Monday, April 14, 2008

So you like stress, eh?

Yeah, so I have always worked better under pressure.  It isn't entirely related to procrastination--a theory I disproved in college when I attempted to write a research paper early in the semester.  It sucked.  The next semester I went back to my usual technique of doing it the weekend (or week, if I got lucky) before it was due.  I don't know why, but my writing is definitely better.

I have a couple of things coming up this week.  I'm trying to get some reports written that are due by Friday and friends of mine are coming over to my house for the first time for dinner.  Eeek!  My house is a pigsty....I really should take photos.  So, I can wait until Thursday to clean or I can get started today.  Not only that, but I tend to spaz when I cook for friends for the first time.  I tend to think it needs to be some sort of gourmet, when I know that is not what they are expecting.  My friends are Indian (born and raised) and are requesting of all things....meatloaf.  That's about as far from gourmet as you can get, right?  Wrong.  Pampered Chef has a fancy meatloaf recipe.  Do I do that or do I just use my usually dumping of anything that sounds good?  I'm thinking I'll go with the usual...

1 comment:

C's Mom said... you, I work much better on a deadline.

Best of luck with that meaty-loaf :0)