Saturday, April 12, 2008



I am just in awe that I have been waiting 14 months now for my daughter.  Wow.  I will wait as long as I have to wait until she is home--as I remarked to a friend who asked if I had thought of giving up, "how can I?  Her name is inked into my skin!"  Tattooing her Chinese name into my skin was to be a daily reminder of God's promise.  When I feel that I can't go on any longer, I am forced to see, to really see, that I must continue.  There are difficult days, but every LIDversery I am reminded once again of the miracle that is my daughter.  The miracle that God turned my heart at the exact moment he did, that he persisted in pushing me to keep going even when I fought him and argued that I couldn't be a single parent.  And I am reminded that even though she isn't yet here, my life has become richer because of her.  How can I possibly give up?  I can't and I won't.  And while I know she isn't yet here, I want to give a shout out to the heavens on her behalf--happy day, baby girl!  Mama loves you!


Anonymous said...

Happy Day! 14 is a good number!

Terri said...

14 months down and hopefully the months to follow will go as quickly!! Can't wait to meet Miss Mayling! You are going to be a wonderful, terrific Mom, you have so much love to give! Hang in there! It isn't always easy, (as we know just having reached 24 months) but it will be worth it!!

Terri and Paul

C's Mom said...

Congrats on 14 behind you....each month, one closer!

Angie said...

14 feels good doesn't it?