Sunday, April 13, 2008

Kroger at 9:30 pm

So, I was just at the grocery store a few minutes ago and I hear a young man say "Dan" or "ma'am" it was hard to tell between the allergy pressure in my ears and his redneck accent.  He approached me and we had the following exchange:

Him: My sister-in-law is pregnant and needs milk.  What kind do I get?

Me: (Blank look)

Him: Is it 1% or skim?

Me: Uh, probably not skim.  She needs vitamin D (totally pulling this out of my butt--OB was my least favorite part of school).

Him:  So that's 1%, right? 

Me: Yeah.

I had two problems with this exchange:

  1. I can't drink milk so it has been years since I have bought any.  I haven't a clue about milk anymore. 
  2. He could have taken one look at the contents of my cart and realized that a woman that has a large box of cat litter and 1-serving boxes of Lean Cuisine and little yogurt cups does NOT have kids or likely been pregnant.  Look at my cart, not the size of my faux child-bearing hips. 


C's Mom said...

Ahhhh...and therein lies the error of your ways in expecting a man to be observant ;0)

I imagine his SIL will survive just fine.

Tasha Kent said...

HAHAHA... LOOOOVE IT. This could totally be me.

And to add.. if he looked at my clothes I was wearing while shopping, he would have noticed a layer of cat hair throughout.