Friday, April 4, 2008

Finally, some rest

Sorry, for my hiatus blogger buddies. As you probably noticed I have been griping about being tired for a while. It wasn't until this week when the sweats started that I realized that it wasn't strictly fatigue related to work or travel, although that did play a part. Unfortunately living in B-town has re-activated some dormant allergy problems. The first year I was here I ran to my doctor that fall and again in the spring complaining of extreme fatigue, night and day sweats (no, not TB) and overall feeling of malaise. Something wasn't right, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I would have fevers and then be normal. We did a lot of tests and my WBC and Sed rates would be elevated during these times and not during other times of the year. It wasn't for another year that I realized it was probably a result of allergies. Although I get a bit of the watery eyes and sneezing, the fatigue and fevers is what puts me down.

So, I asked my boss for Monday off and I'm hoping between now and then that the season makes up it's mind. We are 3 weeks into spring and a good 15-20* below normal temp. We keep going back and forth between warming up and freezing--just make up your mind already! At least my weeds are greening up and my trees are starting to show hints of buds. I'm so excited! It's my favorite time of year, even if I do feel crappy.

  • It's been a crazy, stressful, busy week. I have worked between 10-12 hour days all week so when I went into work this morning I only needed to work 45 minutes and then I would be in overtime. I ended up working 2 hours and I'm hoping my boss doesn't freak out. I did notify her in advance. I am so looking forward to having one day this weekend where I can sleep in and stay in my jammies all freakin' day. No kidding. I've spent this evening (after napping 3 hours) watching TV and crocheting. Ahhh, heaven.
  • Big phat congrats to those families that received referrals today! Whoo-hoo! I think the CCAA cleared through 4 or 5 days of referrals, right? I think it went from January 4th through January 9th, 2006. I have to admit, since the CCAA took down the page with the log in dates and review by dates, I honestly don't obsess on it anymore. Although I still think of my MayLing, China and the adoption part of things don't enter my thoughts as much. I still read the China digital paper and I still cut out articles about China for her scrapbook, but I don't spend the time and energy on it like I did. I think some of that is good, but it is also sad as well. We haven't received an update for months about the review room. Kristen thought we may have gotten through it already, but who knows? I would certainly think so since there weren't any large groups between the last month cleared and our LID.
  • I have excitedly been following Heather and Dustin's blog since I met them last summer when I visited Kristen in Wisconsin. At the time we teased them because they said they were open to either sex child. Well, they had a boy! And my goodness, he is the cutest boy I have EVER seen. I do have one thing to say, Dustin, let Heather hold him already!
  • I just want to say one last thing about Fifth Third Bank--they suck. It's been a long, energy sucking battle the last few weeks to get to the bottom of some issues with my mortgage account. My parents are the best in the world and my dad offered insisted that I take a loan pay from him, and then pay my dad back each month...interest free. Considering that nearly 80% of each payment was going to interest, this is quite a gift. When I closed that loan account today they penalized me an additional couple hundred dollars. I didn't close a huge loan and it certainly wasn't my mortgage, so why do they need to do that? Not only that, when they handed me my statement they left a zero know, those zeros are worth thousands of dollars. Thank goodness I caught it before they cashed it--that would have been disastrous. It gives me an ass cramp just thinking about it. With my neighborhood bank (which I should have gone to for my mortgage instead of being sweet-talked by an ass clown of a realtor) I have paid off two cars early and wasn't penalized. Anyway, they suck and if I could afford to pay for another closing, I would use my neighborhood bank. Really, not bitter, just a lot wiser about buying a home. Well, maybe still a teensy bit bitter.

Ok, I think that about sums things up for now. Congrats to all the new parents and to the rest of you, stay strong and know that your day will someday come.

And, yes, ass was my word of the day. Yesterday every e-mail I sent had the word awesome in it. Today, ass is reigning supreme.

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