Sunday, April 20, 2008

It's back!


So that was the beginning of the burst blood vessel in my eye.  That was last night.

And here is today...Picture 219

The first two months of the year I had to deal with broken blood vessels in my other eye...and now this.  It may be time to seek help and keep a closer eye on my blood pressure since I know I have felt really stressed recently--not just work (which has been pretty awesome), but with a poor diet, too little sleep and too much caffeine. 

Ugh, I've got to stop looking at these's making my eyes hurt.  


Unknown said...

oh goodness... I think telling you to relax would be an understatement at this time. I have a friend that would burst blood vessels in his eyes every time he sneezed to hard. sometimes it's just a weak vessel... but definately something to consult with your dr. about... take care.

Kristen said...

ewwww. does it hurt? perhaps we need to work on the stress level... hmmmm, any ideas???

Anonymous said...

OH MY!! I didn't recognize you until you said 'my eye'. wait a minute. I can't recognize my own daughter? sorry.