Monday, May 28, 2007

Sticky, icky

For the record, I do not like to be hot or sweat. For that reason I sometimes have a hard time convincing myself to do yard work. I LOVE to watch things grow and I LOVE to see what surprises there are in the dirt each day, but I really hate laboring under the sun. My skin was just not designed for work in daylight hours. I usually get most of my yard/garden work done in the evening as the sun is going down, but today I am celebrating Memorial Day and decided to make the most of the day by getting some work done. Well, two hours and a bucket of sweat later, my vegetable garden is weed free again. Evidently, if you remove weeds on a daily basis you don't have to back breaking work in the sun. Although that may be the best way to do it, I'm not convinced that weeding on a daily basis is a job for me.

Also news worthy today....I cleaned my study!! I have all my stuff organized and put away. The only thing left to do today is finish cutting out my fabric squares with my good wishes, vaccuum the carpet and curl up on the couch with a little lovin' from the New James Bond. That's right, I'm renting a movie!! (get your mind out of the gutter, pervs)

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