Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hey, did I mention I'm planning on getting a tattoo? Yep, I've been talking about it for half my life...I even had my friend in Hong Kong design one for me. Well, I spoke to a nurse at the allergist's office and she said lots of people with allergies have tattoos and there is no way of knowing if I will react until I have a tattoo. Those of you who read this and know me well, know that living in Bloomington has been one big giant itchy hive. So, cross your fingers and say a prayer and hopefully in 2 weeks I will be tattooed!!!

This is how small our little worlds are...I was sharing my desire for a tattoo with one of the mommies in my Bloomington mommy adoption support group, and she told me her daughter is a tattoo artist here in town! She talked to her daughter about what I want and her daughter has already worked up a few ideas. I'm going to try and meet with her sometime this week and then I should be ready for the big stick in a few weeks!!!

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