Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Blogger Madness

I swear, sometimes blogger drives me crazy! I had a very nice post yesterday, complete with photos (which take forever to load because I have dial-up) and when I hit the "publish" button, poof, it was gone! Then, I couldn't sign in. Ughh. It doesn't help that either the sinusitis/bronchitis or cold medicine has made me very forgetful. I kept logging in with the wrong information and I couldn't access my blog. Of course, you can't actually email someone for help. Ok, sorry, I've been a little irritable lately.

Congrats to Kristen for her 3 month LID! (sorry it's a day late). Just think we are 1/5th, 1/6th, 1/7th or 1/8th of the way through depending on who you talking to. Sometimes it hits me, I'm gonna be a mom! What a cool feeling.

I finally got my garden in tonight. I was out in the dirt until 9:15 and I couldn't see any longer to work. I've put in corn, green beans, red/yellow/orange peppers, roma tomatoes, and rhubarb. I still need to put in my strawberries tomorrow. If I have room, I'm going to put in onions and cantaloupes. This really should be a learning experience. Surprisingly my dirt is half-way decent. What people don't realize is that we don't have soil here in Bloomington--we have clay and limestone. More time than not, when I push my shovel into the ground, I'm coming up with pure, red clay. The only thing worse than hitting clay, is hitting limestone, or gravel sized pieces of limestone. When new homes or businesses are built in this area, they have to dynamite the ground in order to "break ground". I think the dynamiting has created all the gravel sized bits in my yard. I hate to admit it, but I miss the black, fertile soil of Illinois.

It's so humid! Over 65% humidity in the house, and 80+ outside if is to be believed. I was sweating like a pig while gardening. It was literally dripping off my face and into the dirt. It's gross, but at least it's not like being at the gym and everyone can see the gross factor.

Alright, time for bed. I will try to post more tomorrow.

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