Monday, June 23, 2008

9:30 AM, Tuesday, June 24th


I wasn't sure how to title this post.  I kept vacillating between the date and "The Longest Summer Ever" even though I know it is still only June.  For some reason the last four weeks of my life have absolutely dragged by (drag, drug ? not sure the verb tense). 

My mom's surgery has been moved up to 9:30 and while this may sound like a strange request, I'm asking for everyone that reads this blog between now and then to send a prayer or a thought her direction.  Better yet, share it with your friends or post a message on your blogs asking for prayer. 

I will be keeping this blog updated and my dad will keep her blog updated (yes, the Mad Mama's mama has a blog) as long as the hospital has free Internet service. 

We are hoping that she will soon be able to wear the "Survivor" bracelet she bought right after the diagnosis.  In the meantime, we are going to try and have some fun with this (yes, I know, how can we possibly think there is fun in this--but you would have to know my family to understand.  This is just how we cope). 

My mom has always been the healthiest person I know.  She never gets sick.  Never stops working.  She's the freakin' Energizer Bunny and I've grown up hearing her say to both my sister and me "I don't know why you two are such weenies.  I come from strong people" or "are you sick again?  You didn't get that from me".  Yeah, peeps, she is tough as nails.  I'm pretty sure she will be able to out-run me, out arm-wrestle me for years to come--so the fact that we are going to see SuperWoman appear to be human for a few days is quite an amazing thing.  Scary, for sure, but we all plan on taking advantage of it.  I'm thinking we are going to have contests on which of the three of us (my dad included) can hit the pain pump button the most on her behalf, or bet on the number of staples on her belly, or help her to the toilet (I'm thinking that one will be a game of 'who touched her last?'). 

I hope that you will keep my mother and our family in your prayers over the next couple of days. 


Terri said...

I will keep your Mom in my thoughts and prayers. I can put her on our prayer line at church. Remember, prayer is a powerful tool!! One every tool belt needs.
Blessing to your entire family,
Terri and Paul

Jennifer said...

Definitely in our prayers. Read my post for today. Give it to God my friend!
And...I unprivatized. Visit freely :)

Anonymous said...

She'll be added to the list! I hope all goes well, and we wish her a speedy recovery...

kitchu said...

I am late to this post and praying for her now. I'll be anxious to hear an update and hope she is doing well.