Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

It has been a long time since my last post and most of you that read my blog regularly have already called me to say "What's up? Where are the party pics?" Well, let's start with the good first.
The Good: the nursery is painted and the nursery furniture is bought! Yeah, I will have photos up soon.
The Bad: I missed my own party. I spent the entire day in the emergency room while the physicians worked to determine if I had pneumonia or a pulmonary emboli.
The Ugly: Finally, today, nearly a week after I began to pant instead of breathe, I have a definitive diagnosis. I have pneumonia and it is behind my heart which is why nobody "heard" rhonchi or rales when they listened to my chest.

I've had pneumonia before which is why I knew it was pneumonia long before anybody else diagnosed it. My pneumonias tend to be atypical (no fever, and in this case, no cough). I was beginning to think I was crazy because in the ER they had said it looked like I had a partial lung collapse or an early infiltrate (pneumonia), but they didn't treat it. They sent me home just as short of breath as I had arrived and then I developed the flu the next day! I will be off of work until next Wednesday, March 14th. And before you begin to think that sounds great, remember this, I CAN'T BREATHE. Literally, I gasp and pant just walking the 10 feet to the bathroom. I can't fix myself anything to eat and I've been out of groceries for 2 weeks. As much as I would love to work on the nursery or do all these great projects I have been planning for, I really can not. I lay on the couch all day and stare at the ceiling. I don't have any books to read and I'm too winded to go to the library. My trash is beginning to pile up and even the mailman has begun coming to the door because I can't go to my mailbox. And let's not talk about bathing right now.

This has been my biggest fear about becoming a single mom. What will I do if I get sick like this and I have an infant or toddler depending on me? Well, thanks to pneumonia, I now know what to do. I call my mom and dad and wait for mom to show up. I call my girlfriends: Sherry, Rhonda, Denise and Suzi. I contact my FCC moms and tell them. I finally have an action plan and it will work. Thanks everybody that has helped out the last few days!

Dear Ol' Dad
My dad is a saint. Saturday while Mom kept me company first at Promptcare, and then the ER my Dad stayed at my house and began painting the nursery. He painted the entire room, ceiling and walls. As crappy as I have felt this past week, the only thing that made it bearable was going into MayLing's freshly painted room and imagining her in it. Having the room started makes me feel so close to her. I'll be sure to post some pictures soon. And I'm so excited to have nursery furniture! How often do you think I can state that in one post!

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